Peak to Peak Cross Country Skiing 

42 Great Alpine Road Hotham Heights Victoria

Cross Country Skiing can be identified in two ways, Classic Skiing and Skate Skiing.

Each has its own merit and technique. Snow Shoeing is another amazing way to travel around the snow.

Peak to Peak Cross Country Skiing began with a passion from the founder, who first experienced a passion for the sport through living in a rural community in northern British Columbia, Canada, and learning how to cross country ski at the age of six.

Offering cross country skiing lessons with a team that has a vast range of knowledge and training. Learning something new can be very intimidating and frustrating. The team is here to help! Once the technique is learned and understood, then it's only a matter of time and mileage to be at ease with the Nordic way of skiing.


Guided Experiences - Options

Anyone can learn, the fun starts here! Individual or Group of six, bookings in advance. Phone or text message bookings, or messenger on Facebook - Peak to Peak Cross Country Skiing. Dress accordingly and provide your own snowshoes or pre-hired ski equipment. Snowshoes and ski hire not provided. Tours and lessons many change according to weather conditions. Tour Tuesdays is for Intermediate Classic skiing and a great way to get together with locals and visitors alike who want to have fun and get out there. Book ahead to be in the group of 6 to head out and explore. Meet at Jack Frost bus stop 7 at 10 am to 12pm. Must prebook and ski hire is not included. $50 for two hours touring.

A Snowshoe tour has all the mother nature ingredients you need to get away from it all. Pre hire your clothing and snowshoes and meet up for some memorable experiences. Contact operator for hire options.